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Christoph Keplinger joins MPI-IS as new Director
Christoph Keplinger, who founded the new “Robotic Materials” department at MPI-IS

Christoph Keplinger joins MPI-IS as new Director

With the appointment of the 36-year old Austrian, the Max Planck Society has attracted a world-renowned scientist whose background and expertise perfectly complement and extend the research at MPI-IS and within the Cyber Valley ecosystem

Dr. Keplinger’s research focuses on fundamentally challenging current limitations of materials and components used to build robots. He is regarded as a pioneer in the field of bio-inspired soft robotics and a rising star in the international robotics and materials science communities. As an MPI-IS director, he has founded the new “Robotic Materials” department. Dr. Keplinger will have a decisive influence on the future development of the institute as well as on the excellence of Cyber Valley, Europe’s largest research consortium in the field of AI.

Christoph Keplinger Director Robotics Soft Robotics Energy Capture Cyber Valley Stuttgart


Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer
pi Metin Sitti
Metin Sitti
Guest Researcher
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Christoph Keplinger
Managing Director
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