Maria Wirzberger
Tenure-Track Professor & Guest Scientist
Note: Maria Wirzberger has transitioned from the institute (alumni). Explore further information here
As a scientist at the intersection of cognitive psychology, human-machine interaction, education, and artificial intelligence, I pursuit my vision of responsible, user-adaptive, assistive technologies from an interdisciplinary perspective. Together with my team, I employ a broad range of methodological and analytical approaches to address underlying cognitive processes, potentially influencing user characteristics, and situational factors such as distractions. Our methodological portfolio spans the analysis of behavioral and physiological data and computational approaches to formalize and model human cognition, mainly related to the cognitive architecture ACT-R.
I am a tenure-track professor for teaching and learning with intelligent systems at the University of Stuttgart. My interdisciplinary and international team is part of the Cyber Valley ecosystem and brings together expertise in cognitive science, computer science, education, human-machine interaction, linguistics, machine learning, psychology and software technology. Being the spokesperson of the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), co-director of the Artificial Intelligence Software Academy (AISA), associated faculty at the IMPRS-IS and national affiliate within the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network at the University of Tübingen, my students can benefit from connections to interdisciplinary research and training programs.
From 2018-2020, I was leading the development of an AI-based training application in collaboration with the Software Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. My Ph.D. in Psychology was affiliated with the interdisciplinary Research Training Group "CrossWorlds" at the TU Chemnitz and shed light on cognitive processes and mechanisms related to cognitive load in instructional scenarios. Prior to that, I completed the master's program in Human Factors at the TU Berlin and received a B.Sc. in Psychology from the University of Hagen. I further hold a diploma in Inclusive Education from the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Bochum.
Cognitive load in instructional design - CogSci 2020 workshop on mental effort
The presented work emerged within the Research Training Group 1780 "CrossWorlds" at Chemnitz University of Technology. We thank the German Research Foundation and the Saxon Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts for supporting our research.
KI trifft Bildung: Tage der Wissenschaft 2021
Weshalb sollten angehende Lehrkräfte und Personalentwickler:innen auf den Umgang mit intelligenten Technologien vorbereitet werden? Der Vortrag widmet sich dieser Frage anhand ausgewählter Beispiele und zeigt damit die Relevanz der Thematik für angehende Fachkräfte in der schulischen und beruflichen Bildung auf. Eine Arbeitswelt, in der Mensch und KI Hand in Hand gehen - darauf möchte die Universität Stuttgart ihre Studierenden vorbereiten.