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Library catalog
Self-checkout and user account
The guidelines for your user account
The guidelines for the self-checkout
Library Statutes
Here you will find our library statutes.
Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems |
E-Mail: | bib@mpis.mpg.de |
Phone: | 0711/689 - 1281 0711/689 - 1282 0711/689 - 1397 |
Opening and service hours
Monday - Thursday |
Friday |
Core service hours |
Outside the opening hours you can enter the library through the main entrance on the second level with your institute identity card. External visitors are requested to register. |
Anja Graubner
Head of LibrarySandra Kaiser
Sabrina Kiehl
Lilli Wiedemann
The library of the Max Planck Institutes is a scientific reference library for the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.
Mission statement
As a common library of the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems and Solid State Research we are responsible for the information and literature supply of our staff members and guests.
Our aim is to support the members of the institutes in their daily research projects. In order to achieve this, we provide a current and attractive offer of information and services. The expansion of electronic media is of particular importance. A transparent way of working, both internally and externally, is self-evident for us.
Our services for staff members and guests
- Literature acquisition and provision
- Interlibrary loan / Document supply services
- Licensing and administration of electronic resources
- Contact partner for queries regarding procurement and access to literature
- Support in the area of open access
- Management of publications in the repository of the Max Planck Society (MPG.PuRe)
- Provision of online services (Aleph catalogue with self-check loan, website, etc.)
Our self-conception
The library users are the first priority, an individual consulting of each user is important for us. We maintain an active exchange of information and knowledge among our colleagues and departments.
We strive to constantly optimise the performance capability of the library. Regular further training ensures the necessary competence and promotes the further development of the individual employees.
Equipment and collection
You will find in our library: |
The library collection comprises (last modified January 2025): |
3 catalog workstations 3 internet workstations 78 work and reading stations 1 book return box 2 printers 2 copiers with scan functionality 1 microform scanner 1 binding machine WLAN-access |
Borrowable iPads
- March, 5 2025
Institute members can now borrow iPads from our library.
Please use the devices exclusively within the library premises and return them by the end of the library's opening hours.
For more information, please contact our library team on-site or via email.
New tools: BrowZine and LibKey
- Januar, 1 2025
The library is pleased to announce that institute members now have access to our scholarly journals through BrowZine. BrowZine aggregates e-journals licensed by our library or the MPG, allowing for fast searching across platforms. Additionally, you can personalize your experience by following specific journals or saving articles.
To get started, simply visit browzine.com or download the app and select "Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems & Solid State Research Library" as your institution.
Furthermore, the library also provides access to LibKey, a convenient tool that helps you to find access options for journal articles by entering a DOI. LibKey is also available as a browser plugin for many browsers, making it easy to access the content you need.
Webinar for authors
- November, 21 2024
On December 5, 2024, the Max Planck Digital Library is hosting a webinar specifically for authors, in which the various licenses for Open Access Publishing will be discussed in detail. In particular, the question of why CC BY is often the best choice for research publications and what limitations other license types, such as "non-commercial", entail will be addressed.
In addition, the webinar will explain how to use the DEAL-Publishing-Workflows to select your preferred license.
The webinar will be held primarily in English and will be supported by Prof. Gerard Meijer as speaker and DEAL negotiator.
Registration is available here via Zoom.
"Open Access means CC BY"
- October, 17 2024
What does that mean? And why is the CC BY licence the preferred option for open access publishing?
DEAL has launched an information campaign under the motto "OPEN ACCESS MEANS CC BY" to raise awareness about the benefits of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license for open access publishing.
The goal of the campaign is to inform about the benefits of CC BY in comparison to the limitations of CC BY NC (Non-Commercial) licenses, as they not only hinder the reuse and dissemination of research in accordance with the principles of Open Access, but also enable publishers to secure exclusive exploitation rights by selling content, e.g. to AI providers.
Find more information on their website.
New colleague in the library: Lilli Wiedemann
- September 02, 2024
As from September, 02 2024 the library team will be supported by Lilli Wiedemann.
Open Science Ambassadors: Online Workshop
- 21. May 2024
On June 6, 2024, the PhD-Net Open Science Working Group invites to a hands-on online workshop on "Tools and concepts for making your research open and FAIR" given by Konrad Förstner.
Further information and the possibility to register can be found via this link:
06.06.2024, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Registration
Loan & return
Generally, the library stock may only be borrowed by members of the institutes. The initial loan period is 60 days. Subsequently you can perform an online-extension until a maximum loan period of one year is reached. On level 3 you can find a book return box which allows you to return borrowed books at any time.
Here you will find the guidelines for your user account and for the self-check-loan.
It is possible to use the self-check-loan at any time, even outside the opening hours. If you have any questions concerning the loan or your user account please contact us directly or send us an e-mail.
Journals cannot be borrowed. However, there is a copier available on level 2 and 3.
Suggestion for acquisition
If the library does not have a particular book you can send us a suggestion for acquisition. We will add the book to our stock as soon as possible. Please contact us directly, e-mail us or call us on 0711/689-1397.
You can get an overview of newly acquired books through our monthly list of new acquisitions. The list can be subscribed by RSS.
Interlibrary loan
The interlibrary loan is a service that allows you to order media (e.g. books, journals), which are not available in the local print or online stock, from other libraries as well as the document delivery service subito.
If you wish to place an order, please e-mail us or call us on 0711/689-1397.
For book orders the delivery time amounts to 3 - 7 working days, for journals to 1 - 2 working days. After receiving the media we will inform you by e-mail.
In level 3 of the library you can find a collection of printed theses that have been written in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research or the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. This includes PhD theses, habilitations, bachelor and master theses as well as diploma theses. They are searchable in the library catalog and can be borrowed. PhD theses from the publication years 2000 to 2020 are often also available in electronic form via the library catalog.
For any questions, please contact us via e-mail or under the phone number 0711/689-1397.
Open Access (OA)
The Max Planck Society plays a leading role on a national and international level in encouraging the free availability of scientific publications.
In case of any questions about Open Access please contact us via e-mail or call us under the following phone number: 0711/689-1282
Open Access agreements of the Max Planck Society
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) contributes to the shaping of the Open Access policy within the MPG and supports the Open Access activities at the Max Planck Institutes in collaboration with the libraries.
Here you can find an overview of the MPG wide Open Access agreements on the central cost assumption of article processing charges (APCs) by the MPDL, as well as a list of the covered journal titles.
In addition, a selection of single publishers and agreements is listed below:
- Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Institute of Physics Publishing (AIPP)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- Elsevier - Projekt DEAL Agreement
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Nature
- Oxford University Press (OUP)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- Springer Nature - Projekt DEAL Agreement
- Taylor & Francis
- The Royal Society
- Wiley - Projekt DEAL Agreement
Open Access agreements of the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems & Solid State Research
Here you can find further Open Access agreements for authors of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.
Due to a Read & Publish agreement with Trans Tech Publications (TTP), institute members have the opportunity to publish their articles Open Access in all TTP journals (hybrid and Gold OA titles) without further costs. As soon as a paper has been accepted and the eligibility check has been done, the paper will be published under a CC-BY license.
Conditions for Open Access publishing:
- The institute affiliation must be stated in the article.
- For the identification of eligible articles, the institute affiliation and/or e-mail address should be provided during the submission process.
- The agreement applies to publications with a submission date on or after January 1, 2024.
- The agreement includes research articles, reviews and conference papers in TTP journals.
MPG.PuRe is the publishing repository of the Max Planck Society which contains bibliographic data of publications of Max Planck researchers.
The library coordinates the MPG.PuRe data input of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems:
- moderating the departments in entering publication data
- import of publication data from the institute’s website
- checking the data for accuracy and completeness
- generating authority records (CoNE = Control of Named Entities) for authors and journals
- creating the "Yearbook" as proof of all annual institute’s publications
If you have any further questions about MPG.PuRe, please feel free to contact us personally or via e-mail.
For further information about the publications of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research please contact Mrs. Asen-Palmer.
Catalog Aleph
You can search the library's collection in our local catalog Aleph. This includes monographs, serials and journals. Furthermore you have the option to borrow books yourself and to access your library account.
Here you will find the guidelines for your user account and for the self-checkout.
In addition, you can get an overview of newly acquired books through our monthly list of new acquisitions.
A parallel search in our local print stock and the Max Planck Society's central e-books catalog is also possible.
List of journals
Here you can view the list of our printed journals as a PDF-file. The current issues and volumes are arranged on level 2M 1.
Please note that the list does not contain any e-journals. You can search them in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB), BrowZine or LibKey.
BrowZine & LibKey
To search e-journals with a few clicks you can use our licenced tools BrowZine or LibKey.
Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) is a cooperative service of currently more than 628 libraries and institutions (including our library). It offers easy and convenient access to electronically published scientific journals in full text. The accessibility of the listed journals is represented by a traffic light system.
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The full text is freely accessible. |
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The journal is freely accessible for the members of the Max Planck Institutes for Intelligent Systems & Solid State Research. |
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Only some of the published volumes are accessible. |
readme |
Here you will find the conditions for access and instructions for use of individual journals. |
Please note: The systematic download of articles or search results, especially by robots, is prohibited and will initiate the publisher to block access to the journal for all users of the Max Planck Institutes Stuttgart!
Internal catalogs of the Max Planck Society
E-books catalog of the Max Planck Society
The central e-books-catalog offers you the possibility of searching the entire e-books collection, licensed by the Max Planck Society. Depending on the publisher you can read the texts on the PC and/or download them as a PDF-file.
MPG Resource Navigator (MPG.ReNa)
MPG Resource Navigator (MPG.ReNa) is a web application to navigate through scientific information resources available to staff and guests of the Max Planck Society. It includes licensed databases, digital collections, and reference works. In addition, recommandable retrieval tools available on the web free of charge are part of the collection. Moreover, almost all Max Planck Institute library catalogs, as well as selected external ones, are acessible from here.
Additional catalogs
Here you will find regional and national catalogs, which might be of interest for your searches.
Union Catalogue of Serials
The Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) is a catalog for printed and electronic journals, newspapers, serials and other periodical works.
Regional catalogs
- Local catalog Stuttgart-Tübingen
In this catalog you will find the stock and information of scientific libraries in the Stuttgart-Tübingen region. - Stuttgart University Library
In this catalog you will find the stock of the Stuttgart University Library and of its associated institute libraries. - Württemberg State Library
The catalog of the Württemberg State Library (WLB) provides access to printed and electronic information resources. The library gains its particular significance from its right to collect legal deposit copies of every book published in Baden-Württemberg. - SWB online catalog
The union catalog of the Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund (SWB) offers you a central search entry for comprehensive research in the catalogs of the affiliated libraries in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, Saarland and the Rhineland-Palatinate.
Central subject libraries
The central subject libraries serve as a national literature and information supplier for the highly specialized demands of science and research. They offer you comprehensive search possibilities, as it is their purpose to collect the publications of their subject as completely as possible and make them available through interlibrary loan. This includes publications within Germany and abroad as well as so-called grey literature (e.g. preprints).
- The Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) Hannover is the central subject library for technology as well as civil engineering, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. Catalog)
- The German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) in Cologne and Bonn is the central subject library for medicine, health, nutrition, the environment and agriculture. (Catalogs)
- Karlsruhe Virtual catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) is a metacatalog that offers you the opportunity to search different catalogs and directories at the same time. These are for example the above mentioned union catalogs and the Union Catalog for Serials (ZDB) as well as numerous international catalogs. - WorldCat
The WorldCat is a catalog that provides access to inventory information from more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. A huge advantage of the catalog is that it supports Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagaric, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Tamil and Thai characters.
The central Information Service of the CPT section (IVS-CPT) provides an overview of the worldwide flood of publications and keeps the scientists informed. The IVS-CPT is located within the library.
Here you will find a selection of databases:
- Dissertation & Theses (Proquest)
is a database of records for graduate research, with over 2.1 million dissertations and theses included from around the world. In addition, nearly one million dissertations and theses are available for download in PDF format. - Wolters Kluwer Online
is a comprehensive database that includes journals, comments, manuals, judgments, etc. (predominantly as a full text) concerning the German and European law. - OvidSP
offers a collection of reference databases for psychology such as PsycINFO, PSYNDEXplus Literature and Audiovisual Media, PSYNDEXplus Tests, CAB Abstracts - Patent server of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office
- Patent server of the European Patent Office
- Springer Materials: The Landolt-Börnstein Database
is a systematic and comprehensive resource of selected and critically assessed data in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. - Web of Science
is a database of bibliometric data (Citation Indexing and Impact Factor of journals), supplemented by scientific fact databases. - Wiso
offers a comprehensive range of German and English literature for the economic and social sciences, law and psychology with access to the full text of selected journals.
- Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
- Max Planck Society(MPG)
- Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
- Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- Information retrieval service of the CPT section
Reference management software
You will find a comparison of reference management software by the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry in English here.
You will find a comparison of reference management software by the Technische Universität München here.
Shibboleth (only FKF)
Shibboleth - access to protected resources
Shibboleth is a distributed access control system which opens a remote access to fee-based content on the web licensed by the MPG also outside of the IP-range of the MPG (e.g. during travel or at home).
You only need:
- web browser (platform independent: Win, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, ...)
- your FKF mail account, e.g. max.planck@fkf.mpg.de and password of the web-mail system.
Because the basic Shibboleth technology is not available on all platforms, we are using a gateway to the existing IP controlled web (EZProxy). Using thes proxy allows access to all content on the web which is licensed by MPG (Grundversorgung by MPDL) as well as local licenses, even if you are currently not situated in the institute.
Note: Please use only these links as bookmarks (or as shortcuts on your desktop).
For further information please contact:
Dr. Robin Haunschild |
Address: | Heisenbergstr. 1 70569 Stuttgart |
E-Mail: | r.haunschild@fkf.mpg.de |
Phone: | 0711 / 689-1285 |
Fax: | 0711 / 689-1292 |
Databases (a selection)
E-journals and e-books (a selection)
- AAAS - Science Online
- American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- Cambridge Journals Online
- Elsevier ScienceDirect
- IoP - Institute of Physics
- National Academy of Sciences - Proceedings, PNAS
- Nature Publishing Group
- Oxford University Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry e-Journals
- SpringerLink
- Wiley Online Library
Stuttgart | |
Stuttgart | |
07116891281 | |
07116891281 | |