MPI-IS scientists are regularly appointed to professorships and independent scientist positions at renowned universities and institutes. A high number of appointments is considered to reflect the quality of research and training carried out at the institute.
Rachael Bevill Burns will become an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee Knoxville
01 January 2025
Rachael Bevill Burns, a former Ph.D student and current postdoctoral researcher of the Haptic Intelligence Department, will join the University of Tennessee Knoxville in January 2025 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Caterina De Bacco
01 September 2024
Cyber Valley Research Group Leader has become Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Delft, Quantum & Computer Engineering
Rongjing Zhang becomes Associate Professor at the Beihang University, China
15 July 2024
Rongjing Zhang becomes Associate Professor in the Biomechanics and Soft Robotics Lab at the Beihang University, China.
Zhijing Jin will become Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto
15 July 2024
Zhijing Jin, an ELLIS PhD student of the EI Department and ETH Zürich, has been appointed an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in the Computer Science Department, starting from 2025. She will also hold a CIFAR AI Chair, and be a faculty member at the Vector Institute.
Aarushi Bhargava becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
01 July 2024
Aarushi Bhargava is now Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
Hyosang Lee becomes Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology
10 May 2024
Hyosang Lee, former Postdoc and Research Scientist of the Haptic Intelligence Department, is now Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Saekwang Nam becomes Assistant Professor at Kyungpook National University
01 March 2024
Saekwang Nam, alumnus of the HI Department, is now Assistant Professor at Kyungpook National University, South Korea, Graduate School of Data Science.
Wenqi Hu becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong
01 February 2024
Wenqi Hu, group leader of the research group "Bioinspired Autonomous Miniature Robots", is now Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute (CKSRI).
Ziyu Ren became Associate Professor at Beihang University, China
01 January 2024
Ziyu Ren has started as Associate Professor in the Biomechanics and Soft Robotics Lab at the Beihang University, China.
Tianlu Wang becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii
01 January 2024
Tianlu Wang, former Postdoc in the Physical Intelligence Department, is now Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering and leads the Soft robotics And Intelligent machines Laboratory (SAIL).
Justus Thies becomes Full Professor at TU Darmstadt
01 September 2023
Justus Thies, group leader of the research group "Neural Capture and Synthesis" is now full professor for 3D Graphics & Vision at TU Darmstadt
Alexander Badri-Spröwitz becomes Associate Professor at KU Leuven
01 September 2023
Alexander Badri-Spröwitz, former group leader of the Dynamic Locomotion Research Group has moved to KU Leuven to become an Associate Professor for Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics.
Majid Khadiv becomes Assistant Professor at TUM Munich
01 September 2023
Majid Khadiv, alumnus of the EI Department, becomes Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), School of Computation, AI Planning in Dynamic Environments
Aniket Pal becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Stuttgart
01 September 2023
Aniket Pal, alumnus of the PI Department, has started a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Stuttgart, Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB), Soft Machines and Robotic Systems
Amir-Hossein Karimi becomes Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada
01 September 2023
Amir-Hossein Karimi, alumnus of the EI Department, joined the University of Waterloo, Electrical & Computer Engineering, as an Assistant Professor in Machine Learning. At the same time, he has joined the Vector Institute as a Faculty Affiliate.
Alexis Block will be Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University
03 July 2023
Alexis E. Block, an alumna of the HI Department, accepted a position at Case Western Reserve University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering.
Yitian Shao is appointed L4 Professor at HIT Shenzhen
01 July 2023
Yitian Shao, alumnus of the HI Department, joined Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Shenzhen, School of Computer Science and Technology, International Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, as a L4 Professor.
Falk Lieder becomes Assistant Professor at UCLA
01 July 2023
Falk Lieder, head of the Rationality Enhancement research group, joins the Psychology Department at UCLA as Assistant Professor.
Jörg Stückler becomes Professor at the University of Augsburg
01 July 2023
Jörg Stückler, Embodied Vision research group leader, takes up a position as Professor for "Intelligent Perception in Technical Systems" at the University of Augsburg. He will continue to lead his research group at the MPI-IS on a part-time basis until June 2024.
Georg Martius is appointed W3 professor at the University of Tübingen
01 April 2023
Georg Martius, head of the Autonomous Learning research group, becomes W3 professor at the University of Tübingen, Department of Computer Science
Hannah-Noa Barad becomes Assistant Professor at the Bar Ilan University
01 August 2022
Hannah-Noa Barad, who is a Minerva Fellow, joined the Department of Chemistry at the Bar Ilan University, Israel, as an Assistant Professor.
Yitian Shao becomes Junior Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden
01 July 2022
Yitian Shao, Humboldt Postdoctoral fellow in the Haptic Intelligence Department, has begun his new position as a Junior Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden.
Georgios Arvanitidis changes as Assistant Professor to TU of Denmark
01 February 2022
will start as an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Section for Cognitive Systems.
Hojin Lee appointed Senior Researcher at ETRI in South Korea
01 February 2022
The Electronics and Communications Research Institute (ETRI) is one of South Korea's major non-profit government-funded research institutes. ETRI conducts large-scale research projects in a variety of information and communication technologies (ICT) disciplines such as multimedia, computer networks, digital contents, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Hojin is now a member of the VR/AR content research section, a department in charge of creating unique VR/AR content for future computer-based applications. As a haptics specialist with expertise in real-world physical applications, Hojin will engage in various research projects, including the extension and integration of projection-based VR systems located at several Korean public libraries for entertainment and education.
Zhichao Ma appointed Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
10 October 2021
Zhichao Ma, Humboldt Postdoctoral fellow in the Micro Nano and Molecular Systems Group, will join the School of Biomedical Engineering, and the Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as an Associate Professor.
Hyosang Lee is a Cyber Valley Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart
01 October 2021
Dr. Hyosang Lee, a Research Scientist in the Haptic Intelligence Department, has begun his new position as a Cyber Valley Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart
Tingting Yu appointed Assistant Professor at South China University of Technology
09 September 2021
Tingting Yu, who recently obtained her PhD in the Micro Nano and Molecular Systems Group, joins South China University of Technology and the Shien-Ming Wu School of Intelligent Engineering as an Assistant Professor.
Stefan Bauer becomes Assistant Professor at KTH, Sweden
01 September 2021
Stefan Bauer becomes Assistant Professor at KTH, Stockholm, Division of Decision and Control Systems
Mijung Park becomes Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada
01 June 2021
Mijung Park becomes Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, Faculty Computer Science, Machine Learning @ UBS
Donghoon Son was appointed Assistant Professor at the Pusan National University
01 March 2021
Donghoon Son was appointed Assistant Professor at the Pusan National University, South Korea
Sungwoo Chun will become Assistant Professor at Korea University
01 March 2021
Sungwoo Chun was appointed Assistant Professor at the Korea University, South Korea.
Vimal Kishore will join Banaras Hindu University
01 January 2021
Vimal Kishore will soon join Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India, as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Abdon Pena-Francesch becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan
01 January 2021
Abdon Pena-Francesch will join the University of Michigan Ann Arbor in the USA as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Wendong Wang becomes Assistant Professor at UM-SJTU Joint Institute
01 October 2020
Wendong Wang has joined the University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute in Shanghai, China, as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Hasti Seifi becomes Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen
01 October 2020
Hasti Seifi has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen.
Ad Spiers becomes Lecturer at Imperial College London
01 September 2020
Ad Spiers accepted a position as a Lecturer (tenure-track faculty job) in Robotics at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, UK.
Yasemin Vardar wird Assistenzprofessorin an der TU Delft
01 September 2020
Yasemin Vardar hat eine Position als Tenure-track Assistenzprofessorin im Department für Kognitive Robotics an der Technischen Universität Delft in den Niederlanden akzeptiert.
Sebastian Trimpe becomes Full Professor at RWTH Aachen
01 September 2020
Sebastian Trimpe has started as full professor for Data Science in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
Hamed Shahsavan becomes Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo
01 August 2020
Hamed Shahsavan joined the University of Waterloo in Canada as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Laura Na Liu heads Physics Institute at the University of Stuttgart
01 July 2020
Laura Na Liu has recently become the new director of the 2nd Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart. She is also a Max Planck Fellow at the MPI for Solid State Research.
Metin Sitti becomes Affiliated Professor at ETH Zurich
15 May 2020
Metin Sitti has been appointed Affiliated Professor of Physical Intelligence at the ETH Zurich, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
Peer Fischer wird Gastprofessor am GIST in Südkorea
01 May 2020
Peer Fischer ist zum Gastprofessor am Bereich Elektrotechnik und Computerwissenschaft am Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in Südkorea berufen worden.
Isabel Valera becomes Full Professor at the University of Saarland.
01 April 2020
Isabel Valera has been appointed full professor at the University of Saarland, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Maria Wirzberger becomes Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart
01 April 2020
Maria Wirzberger has recently started as Tenure Track Junior Professor with focus on teaching and learning with intelligent systems at the University of Stuttgart.
Aamir Ahmad becomes Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart
01 March 2020
Aamir Ahmad has been appointed Tenure-Track Junior Professor for Flight Robotics at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty for Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy.
Hyeon-Ho Jeong becomes Assistant Professor at GIST, South Korea.
01 March 2020
Hyeon-Ho Jeong has been appointed Assistant Professor at GIST, South Korea.
David Gueorguiev becomes CNRS Researcher in Paris
01 January 2020
David Gueorguiev started in January 2020 as a CNRS Researcher at the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics in Paris.
Siyu Tang becomes Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich
01 January 2020
Siyu Tang started in January 2020 as tenure track assistant professor at ETH Zurich. She remains Guest Scientist at our institute.