Chemical Synthesis
Heisenbergstr. 1
70569 Stuttgart
Chemical Synthesis
The tasks of the Service Facility are: Analytical characterization of metallic, ceramic and organic materials, of the starting materials and additives with respect to purity (contaminants at trace levels); stoichiometric composition (main- and subsidiary components), and control of the preparation process (main, subsidiary, and trace components); Coordination and consultation in the field of the procurement of chemicals and noble metals, actualisation and disposal of hazardous materials; Cooperation in the board Sonderwerkstoffe of GDMB for the certification of standard reference materials and optimization of methods for decomposition and determination.
The Service Facility Chemical Synthesis has at its disposal numerous instrumental techniques for the spectrometric and element-specific analysis of pure metals, metal alloys, ceramic materials and organic substances.
The range of activities can be subdivided in two main focuses:
Chemical analysis of metallic elements
Chemical analysis of non-metallic elements
Research Projects
The Service Facility Chemical Synthesis is co-operating with other analytical research organisations in various projects: