Note: Arjun Chandrasekaran has transitioned from the institute (alumni). Explore further information here
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I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Perceiving Systems department with Michael Black at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany. I received my PhD in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, advised by Devi Parikh.
I have also been fortunate to spend summers at Toyota Technological Institute in Chicago (TTIC), Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Curai and Indiana University's Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences.
I work on understanding and modeling human actions, interactions and behavior in 3D, using the modalities of vision and language.
In the past, I worked on computational models for embodied human interactions, and specific aspects of human interactions, such as humor and narrative. I also worked on understanding human-AI interactions with the goal of creating better human-AI teams.
My research spans the areas of computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, crowdsourcing and cognitive science.