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Machine learning systems and methods for augmenting images




Disclosed is a method including receiving visual input comprising a human within a scene, detecting a pose associated with the human using a trained machine learning model that detects human poses to yield a first output, estimating a shape (and optionally a motion) associated with the human using a trained machine learning model associated that detects shape (and optionally motion) to yield a second output, recognizing the scene associated with the visual input using a trained convolutional neural network which determines information about the human and other objects in the scene to yield a third output, and augmenting reality within the scene by leveraging one or more of the first output, the second output, and the third output to place 2D and/or 3D graphics in the scene.

Author(s): Black, M. and Rachlin, E. and Lee, E. and Heron, N. and Loper, M. and Weiss, A. and Smith, D.
Number (issue): US Patent 10,529,137 B1
Year: 2020
Month: January
Day: 7

Department(s): Perceiving Systems
Bibtex Type: Patent (patent)
Paper Type: Patent


  title = {Machine learning systems and methods for augmenting images},
  author = {Black, M. and Rachlin, E. and Lee, E. and Heron, N. and Loper, M. and Weiss, A. and Smith, D.},
  number = {US Patent 10,529,137 B1},
  month = jan,
  year = {2020},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {1}