- Autonome Motorik
- Empirische Inferenz
- Haptische Intelligenz
- Moderne Magnetische Systeme
- Perzeptive Systeme
- Physische Intelligenz
- Robotik-Materialien
- Soziale Grundlagen der Informatik
- Theory of Inhomogeneous Condensed Matter
- Robotic Composites and Compositions
- Autonomes Maschinelles Sehen
- Autonomous Learning
- Bioinspired Autonomous Miniature Robots
- Biomimetic Materials and Machines
- Dynamische Lokomotion
- Embodied Vision
- Human Aspects of Machine Learning
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Learning and Dynamical Systems
- Locomotion in Biorobotic and Somatic Systems
- Micro, Nano, and Molecular Systems
- Movement Generation and Control
- Neural Capture and Synthesis
- Organizational Leadership and Diversity
- Physics for Inference and Optimization
- Probabilistic Learning Group
- Probabilistische Numerik
- Rationality Enhancement
- Robust Machine Learning
- Nanorobotic Biosensors
- Intelligente Nanoplasmonik