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Karrieremöglichkeiten am Institut

3D-Clothing Designer (f/m/div)

  • Tuebingen

The goal of the project is construct a unique database of clothing with large variation in styles across cultures and time, a taxonomy that structures the garments into classes, text-based descriptions of the garment properties, variation of features like collars, pockets, buttons, etc., varied material properties, grading of some or all garments. The goal will be to have a dataset of sufficient size to be useful for training large models and of sufficient realism to be useful for many applications.

Staff Position

Contact: Nicole Overbaugh Melanie Feldhofer

Robotics Institute Germany Internships (RIGI) positions at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Stuttgart

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) is a participant in the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), a collaborative network connecting leading robotics research centers across Germany. As part of RIG, MPI-IS has established an internship program for Bachelor’s and Master’s students, which provides a unique opportunity to perform cutting-edge research in robotics at our institute. The RIGI program is a key element of Robotics Institute Germany, an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) aimed to enhance international visibility, attract talent, and accelerate progress in robotics.

Internship Position

Submit your application to: rigi@is.mpg.de
Contact: Buse Aktas Birgül Akolpoglu Leila Masri

Max Planck Research Group Leaders at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Stuttgart site)

Research Group Leader Position

Submit your application to: applications@is.mpg.de
Contact: Katherine Kuchenbecker Christoph Keplinger Eva Laemmerhirt Matthias Tröndle

Nomination sought for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

  • Stuttgart & Tübingen

The MPI for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart and Tübingen expects to have an opening for one director and scientific member of the Max Planck Society (MPG) in each site. The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems combines – within one center – theory, software, and hardware expertise in the research field of intelligent systems. The opening for the Tübingen campus of the institute relates to areas like machine learning, including modern robotics, and natural language understanding. Research at the Stuttgart campus of the institute relates to small-scale robotics, self-organization, haptic perception, bio-inspired systems, medical robotics, and robotic materials.

Staff Position

Submit your application to: eva.laemmerhirt@tuebingen.mpg.de
Contact: Eva Laemmerhirt