ZWE Materialien
Stabile Mikrostrukturen bilden die Grundlage in vielen Wissenschafts- und Technologiefeldern. Die ZWE Materialien stellt als Service metallische, keramische oder halbleitende Schichten, fabriziert durch physikalische Gasphasenabscheidung, zur Verfügung. Maßgeschneiderte Gefüge lassen sich herstellen, wenn die Keimbildung und das Wachstum des individuellen Schichtsystems quantitativ untersucht werden.
Gunther Richter
Leitung ZWE MaterialienPressemitteilungen
Theo. Phys. II (WiSe 2018/19)
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Adsorption on Inkjet-Printable Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Allows Refractive Index Sensing of Diclofenac and Metoprolol in Aqueous Solution
Southan, A., Tan, J., Schuster, F., Rotenberger, J., Tovar, G. E. M.
ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 6(10):6010-6021, 2024 (article)
Unravelling parameter interactions in calcium alginate/polyacrylamide double network hydrogels using a design of experiments approach for the optimization of mechanical properties
Gorke, O., Stuhlmüller, M., Tovar, G. E. M., Southan, A.
Materials Advances, 5, pages: 2851-2859, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024 (article)
Soft Sub-Structured Multi-Material Biosensor Hydrogels with Enzymes Retained by Plant Viral Scaffolds
Grübel, J., Wendlandt, T., Urban, D., Jauch, C. O., Wege, C., Tovar, G. E. M., Southan, A.
Macromolecular Bioscience, 24(3), Wiley, 2024 (article)
Whiskers That Don’t Whisk: Unique Structure From the Absence of Actuation in Elephant Whiskers
Schulz, A., Kaufmann, L., Brecht, M., Richter, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.
Abstract presented at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB), Seattle, USA, January 2024 (misc)
Site-selective substitution and resulting magnetism in arc-melted perovskite ATiO3-delta (A \textequals Ca, Sr, Ba)
Yoon, S., Xie, W., Xiao, X., Checchia, S., Coduri, M., Schützendübe, P., Widenmeyer, M., Ebbinghaus, S. G., Balke, B., Weidenkaff, A., Schütz, G., Son, K.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106(11):6778-6786, American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, USA, 2023 (article)
Atomic-resolution observations of silver segregation in a [111] tilt grain boundary in copper
Langeohl, L., Brink, T., Richter, G., Dehm, G., Liebscher, C. H.
Physical Review B, 107(13):134112, American Physical Society, Woodbury, NY, 2023 (article)
Retention of dissolved organic matter during podzolisation: Testing processes in laboratory experiments and at the submicron scale
Krettek, A., Höschen, C., Richter, G., Schweizer, S., Thilo, R.
Geoderma Regional, 32, pages: e00606, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2023 (article)
Dry Synthesis of Pure and Ultrathin Nanoporous Metallic Films
Kwon, H., Barad, H., Olaya, A. R. S., Alarcón-Correa, M., Hahn, K., Richter, G., Wittstock, G., Fischer, P.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(4):5620-5627, February 2023 (article)
Nanoscale bimetallic strip: Atomistic bending mechanisms of AuPd bimetallic nanowhiskers
Bisht, A., Kalina, M., Suadiye, E., Richter, G., Rabkin, E.
Acta Materialia, 243, pages: 118504, Elsevier Science, Kidlington, January 2023 (article)
Terahertz spin-to-charge current conversion in stacks of ferromagnets and the transition-metal dichalcogenide NbSe2
Nádvornı́k, L., Gueckstock, O., Braun, L., Niu, C., Gräfe, J., Richter, G., Schütz, G., Takagi, H., Zeer, M., Seifert, T. S., Kubaščı́k, P., Pandeya, A. K., Anane, A., Yang, H., Bedoya-Pinto, A., Parkin, S. S. P., Wolf, M., Mokrousov, Y., Nakamura, H., Kampfrath, T.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(36):2201675, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2022 (article)
Multifunctional Self-Cross-Linked Copolymer Binder for High-Loading Silicon Anodes
Niesen, S., Fox, A., Murugan, S., Richter, G., Buchmeiser, M. R.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5(9):11386-11391, August 2022 (article)
Sensing Capabilities of Single Nanowires Studied with Correlative In Situ Light and Electron Microscopy
Vogl, L. M., Schweizer, P., Denninger, P., Richter, G., Spiecker, E.
ACS Nano, 16(11):18110-18118, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2022 (article)
Morphology Matters: 0D/2D WO3 Nanoparticle-Ruthenium Oxide Nanosheet Composites for Enhanced Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Rates
Vignolo-González, H. A., Gouder, A., Laha, S., Duppel, V., Carretero-Palacios, S., Jiménez-Solano, A., Oshima, T., Schützendübe, P., Lotsch, B. V.
Advanced Energy Materials, 13(6):2203315, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2022 (article)
Remotely Guided Immunobots Engaged in Anti-Tumorigenic Phenotypes for Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy
Dogan, N. O., Ceylan, H., Suadiye, E., Sheehan, D., Aydin, A., Yasa, I. C., Wild, A., Richter, G., Sitti, M.
Small, 18(46):2204016, October 2022 (article)
Stable Cycling of Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries Based on an In Situ Crosslinked Gel Polymer Electrolyte
Murugan, S., Klostermann, S. V., Schützendübe, P., Richter, G., Kästner, J., Buchmeiser, M. R.
Advanced Functional Materials, 32(32):2201191, May 2022 (article)
High-Performance Magnetic FePt (L10) Surface Microrollers Towards Medical Imaging-Guided Endovascular Delivery Applications
Bozuyuk, U., Suadiye, E., Aghakhani, A., Dogan, N. O., Lazovic, J., Tiryaki, M. E., Schneider, M., Karacakol, A. C., Demir, S. O., Richter, G., Sitti, M.
Advanced Functional Materials, 32(8):2109741, 2022 (article)
Synthesis of magnetic Fe and Co nano-whiskers and platelets via physical vapor deposition
Huang, W., Gatel, C., Li, Z., Richter, G.
Materials & Design, 208, pages: 109914, June 2021 (article)
Effect of size and shape on the elastic modulus of metal nanowires
Vogl, L. M., Schweizer, P., Richter, G., Spiecker, E.
MRS Advances, 6(27):665-673, Materials Research Society, 2021 (article)
Hybrids of Pd nanoparticles and metal-organic frameworks for enhanced magnetism
Kim, S., Muhammad, R., Schützendübe, P., Kalidindi, S. B., Schütz, G., Oh, H., Son, K.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(19):4742-4748, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2021 (article)
Normal Load and Counter Body Size Influence the Initiation of Microstructural Discontinuities in Copper during Sliding
Ruebeling, F., Xu, Y., Richter, G., Dini, D., Gumbsch, P., Greiner, C.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13(3):4750-4760, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2021 (article)
Plastic Forming of Metals at the Nanoscale: Interdiffusion-Induced Bending of Bimetallic Nanowhiskers
Qi, Y., Richter, G., Suadiye, E., Kalina, M., Rabkin, E.
ACS Nano, 14(9):11691-11699, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2020 (article)
Energy-dispersive X-ray micro Laue diffraction on a bent gold nanowire
AlHassan, A., Abboud, A., Cornelius, T. W., Ren, Z., Thomas, O., Richter, G., Micha, J., Send, S., Hartmann, R., Strüder, L., Pietscha, U.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 54(1):80-86, Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography, Oxford, England, 2020 (article)
Communication - Highly Sensitive Glassy Carbon Electrode Altered by Nanoporous Gold for the Electrochemical Detection of Nitrite
Zhang, A., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Schützendübe, P., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167(8):086504, Electrochemical Society, New York, NY, USA, 2020 (article)
Very low-temperature growth of few-layer graphene by Ni-induced crystallization of amorphous carbon in vacuum
Chen, Y., Wang, J., Schützendübe, P., Wang, Z., Mittemeijer, E. J.
Carbon, 159, pages: 37-44, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020 (article)
Thermal oxidation of amorphous CuxZr1-x alloys: Role of composition-dependent thermodynamic stability
Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Schützendübe, P., Zhu, S., Huang, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Applied Surface Science, 503, pages: 144376, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2020 (article)
First stages of plasticity in three-point bent Au nanowires detected by in situ Laue microdiffraction
Ren, Z., Cornelius, T. W., Leclere, C., Davydok, A., Micha, J., Robach, O., Richter, G., Thomas, O.
Applied Physics Letters, 116(24):243101, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2020 (article)
Toward Standardized Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Rates Using RuO2@TiO2 as a Benchmark
Vignolo-González, H. A., Laha, S., Jiménez-Solano, A., Oshima, T., Duppel, V., Schützendübe, P., Lotsch, B. V.
Matter, 3(2):464-486, Cell Press, Maryland Heights, MO, 2020 (article)
Crystallography of γ’-Fe4N formation in single-crystalline α-Fe whiskers
Schumann, H., Richter, G., Leineweber, A.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53(4):865-879, Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography, Oxford, England, 2020 (article)
Interdiffusion in bimetallic Au-Fe nanowhiskers controlled by interface mobility
Qi, Y., Richter, G., Suadiye, E., Klinger, L., Rabkin, E.
Acta Materialia, 197, pages: 137-145, Elsevier Science, Kidlington, 2020 (article)
In-situ TEM study of dislocation interaction with twin boundary and retraction in twinned metallic nanowires
Cheng, G., Yin, S., Li, C., Chang, T., Richter, G., Gao, H., Zhu, Y.
Acta Materialia, 196, pages: 304-312, Elsevier Science, Kidlington, 2020 (article)
Bandgap-adjustment and enhanced surface photovoltage in Y-substituted LaTaIVO2N
Bubeck, C., Widenmeyer, M., De Denko, A. T., Richter, G., Coduri, M., Salas-Colera, E., Goering, E., Zhang, H., Yoon, S., Osterloh, F. E., Weidenkaff, A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(23):11837-11848, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2020 (article)
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activities toward the Ethanol Oxidation of Nanoporous Gold Prepared via Solid-Phase Reaction
Zhang, A., Chen, Y. Y., Yang, Z. P., Ma, S., Huang, Y., Richter, G., Schutzendube, P., Zhong, C., Wang, Z. M.
Acs Applied Energy Materials, 3(1):336-343, 2020 (article)
Suppressing instabilities in defect-scarce nanowires by controlling the energy release rate during incipient plasticity
Shin, J. G., Richter, G., Gianola, D. S.
Materials & Design, 189, pages: 108460, 2020 (article)
Rational strain engineering in delafossite oxides for highly efficient hydrogen evolution catalysis in acidic media
Podjaski, F., Weber, D., Zhang, S. Y., Diehl, L., Eger, R., Duppel, V., Alarcon-Llado, E., Richter, G., Haase, F., Morral, A. F. I., Scheu, C., Lotsch, B. V.
Nature Catalysis, 3(1):55-63, 2020 (article)
Tantalum and zirconium induced structural transitions at complex [111] tilt grain boundaries in copper
Meiners, T., Duarte, J. M., Richter, G., Dehm, G., Liebscher, C. H.
Acta Materialia, 190, pages: 93-104, 2020 (article)
High capacity rock salt type Li2MnO3-delta thin film battery electrodes
Muller, H. A., Joshi, Y., Hadjixenophontos, E., Peter, C., Csiszar, G., Richter, G., Schmitz, G.
RSC Advances, 10(7):3636-3645, 2020 (article)
Magnetic quantification of single-crystalline Fe and Co nanowires via off-axis electron holography
Chai, K., Li, Z. A., Huang, W. T., Richter, G., Liu, R. B., Zou, B. S., Caron, J., Kovacs, A., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Li, J. Q.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(11):114202, 2020 (article)
Enhancing the Glucose Oxidation on Nanocrystalline Au Thin-Films by Integrating Nanoporous Framework and Structural Defects
Zhang, A., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Yin, L., Schützendübe, P., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 166(13):H650-H655, Electrochemical Society, New York, NY, USA, 2019 (article)
Effect of atomic structure on preferential oxidation of alloys: amorphous versus crystalline Cu-Zr
Xu, Y., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Schützendübe, P., Zhu, S., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 40, pages: 128-134, Editorial Board of Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Shenyang, China, 2019 (article)
Beyond dealloying: development of nanoporous gold via metal-induced crystallization and its electrochemical properties
Zhang, A., Wang, J., Schützendübe, P., Liang, H., Huang, Y., Wang, Z.
Nanotechnology, 30(37):375601, IOP Pub., Bristol, UK, 2019 (article)
Asymmetry of interface reactions in Ag-Sn thin film couples—In-situ synchrotron radiation study
Zotov, N., Schützendübe, P.
Journal of Applied Physics, 125(21):215302, AIP Publishing, New York, NY, 2019 (article)
Tailoring metal film texture by use of high atomic mobility at metalsemiconductor interfaces
Wang, J., Schützendübe, P., Qiu, Y., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Applied Surface Science, 475, pages: 117-123, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2019 (article)
Anomalous formation of micrometer-thick amorphous oxide surficial layers during high-temperature oxidation of ZrAl2
Hu, Z., Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Schützendübe, P., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.
Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35(7):1479-1484, Editorial Board of Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Shenyang, China, 2019 (article)
Superior Magnetic Performance in FePt L10 Nanomaterials
Son, K., Ryu, G. H., Jeong, H., Fink, L., Merz, M., Nagel, P., Schuppler, S., Richter, G., Goering, E., Schütz, G.
Small, 15(34):1902353, Wiley, Weinheim, Germany, July 2019 (article)
Hydrogen embrittlement in metallic nanowires
Yin, S., Cheng, G. M., Chang, T. H., Richter, G., Zhu, Y., Gao, H. J.
Nature Communications, 10, pages: 2004, 2019 (article)
Transition of Deformation Mechanisms in Single-Crystalline Metallic Nanowires
Yin, S., Cheng, G. M., Richter, G., Gao, H. J., Zhu, Y.
Acs Nano, 13(8):9082-9090, 2019 (article)
Ionic conductivity of melt-frozen LiBH4 films
Truck, J., Hadjixenophontos, E., Joshi, Y., Richter, G., Stender, P., Schmitz, G.
RSC Advances, 9(66):38855-38859, 2019 (article)
Microstructural dependence of the fracture toughness of metallic thin films: A bulge test and atomistic simulation study on single-crystalline and polycrystalline silver films
Preiss, E. I., Lyu, H., Liebig, J. P., Richter, G., Gannott, F., Gruber, P. A., Goken, M., Bitzek, E., Merle, B.
Journal of Materials Research, 34(20):3483-3494, 2019 (article)
Osteoblast Response to Different UVA-Activated Anatase Implant Coatings
Liang, L. C., Krieg, P., Rupp, F., Kimmerle-Muller, E., Spintzyk, S., Richter, M., Richter, G., Killinger, A., Geis-Gerstorfer, J., Scheideler, L.
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6(4):1801720, 2019 (article)
Engineering of hollow AlAu2 nanoparticles on sapphire by solid state dewetting and oxidation of Al
Gazit, N., Richter, G., Sharma, A., Klinger, L., Rabkin, E.
Materials & Design, 165, pages: 107557, 2019 (article)
On pinning-depinning and microkink-flow in solid state dewetting: Insights by in-situ ESEM on Al thin films
Hieke, S. W., Willinger, M. G., Wang, Z. J., Richter, G., Chatain, D., Dehm, G., Scheu, C.
Acta Materialia, 165, pages: 153-163, 2019 (article)
In Situ Generated Gold Nanoparticles on Active Carbon as Reusable Highly Efficient Catalysts for a C-sp3-C-sp3 Stille Coupling
Holz, J., Pfeffer, C., Zuo, H., Beierlein, D., Richter, G., Klemm, E., Peters, R.
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 58(30):10330-10334, 2019 (article)
Fabrication of alpha-FeSi2 nanowhiskers and nanoblades via electron beam physical vapor deposition
Huang, W. T., Srot, V., Wagner, J., Richter, G.
Materials & Design, 182, pages: 108098, 2019 (article)
Tailoring of an unusual oxidation state in a lanthanum tantalum(IV) oxynitride via precursor microstructure design
Bubeck, C., Widenmeyer, M., Richter, G., Coduri, M., Goering, E., Yoon, S., Weidenkaff, A.
Communications Chemistry, 2, pages: 134, Springer Nature, London, 2019 (article)
Peptide-induced biomineralization of tin oxide (SnO2) nanoparticles for antibacterial applications
Singh, A. V., Jahnke, T., Xiao, Y., Wang, S., Yu, Y., David, H., Richter, G., Laux, P., Luch, A., Srivastava, A., Saxena, P. S., Bill, J., Sitti, M.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 19(9):5674-5686, American Scientific Publishers, 2019 (article)
Controlling dislocation nucleation-mediated plasticity in nanostructures via surface modification
Shin, J., Chen, L. Y., Sanli, U. T., Richter, G., Labat, S., Richard, M., Cornelius, T., Thomas, O., Gianola, D. S.
Acta Materialia, 166, pages: 572-586, Elsevier Science, Kidlington, 2019 (article)
In situ Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction during tensile testing of an individual Au nanowire
Shin, J., Cornelius, T. W., Labat, S., Lauraux, F., Richard, M. I., Richter, G., Blanchard, N. P., Gianola, D. S., Thomas, O.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51, pages: 781-788, 2018 (article)
Anisotropic Gold Nanostructures: Optimization via in Silico Modeling for Hyperthermia
Singh, A. V., Jahnke, T., Wang, S., Xiao, Y., Alapan, Y., Kharratian, S., Onbasli, M. C., Kozielski, K., David, H., Richter, G., Bill, J., Laux, P., Luch, A., Sitti, M.
Acs Applied Nano Materials, 1(11):6205-6216, 2018 (article)
Three-point bending behavior of a Au nanowire studied by in-situ Laue micro-diffraction
Ren, Z., Cornelius, T. W., Leclere, C., Davydok, A., Micha, J. S., Robach, O., Richter, G., Thomas, O.
Journal of Applied Physics, 124(18), 2018 (article)
Plasticity in inhomogeneously strained Au nanowires studied by Laue microdiffraction
Ren, Z., Cornelius, T. W., Leclere, C., Davydok, A., Mieha, J. S., Robach, O., Richter, G., Thomas, O.
Mrs Advances, 3(39):2331-2339, 2018 (article)
3D Nanofabrication of High-Resolution Multilayer Fresnel Zone Plates
Sanli, U. T., Jiao, C., Baluktsian, M., Grevent, C., Hahn, K., Wang, Y., Srot, V., Richter, G., Bykova, I., Weigand, M., Schutz, G., Keskinbora, K.
Advanced Science, 5(9), 2018 (article)
Equilibrium Properties of the Mixed State in Superconducting Niobium in a Transverse Magnetic Field: Experiment and Theoretical Model
Kozhevnikov, V., Valente-Feliciano, A. M., Curran, P. J., Richter, G., Volodin, A., Suter, A., Bending, S. J., Van Haesendonck, C.
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 31(11):3433-3444, 2018 (article)
In Situ Coherent X-ray Diffraction during Three-Point Bending of a Au Nanowire: Visualization and Quantification
Davydok, A., Cornelius, T. W., Ren, Z., Leclere, C., Chahine, G., Schulli, T., Lauraux, F., Richter, G., Thomas, O.
Quantum Beam Science, 2(4):24, 2018 (article)
Niobium as Alternative Material for Refractory and Active Plasmonics
Bagheri, S., Strohfeldt, N., Ubl, M., Berrier, A., Merker, M., Richter, G., Siegel, M., Giessen, H.
Acs Photonics, 5(8):3298-3304, 2018 (article)
PFG-NMR studies of ATP diffusion in PEG-DA hydrogels and aqueous solutions of PEG-DA polymers
Adenosine triphosphate diffusion through poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogels can be tuned by cross-link density as measured by PFG-NMR
Hydrophobic pinning with copper nanowhiskers leads to bactericidal properties
Singh, A. V., Baylan, S., Park, B. W., Richter, G., Sitti, M.
Plos One, 12(4), 2017 (article)
An in-plane magnetic chiral dichroism approach for measurement of intrinsic magnetic signals using transmitted electrons
Song, D. S., Tavabi, A. H., Li, Z. A., Kovacs, A., Rusz, J., Huang, W. T., Richter, G., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., Zhu, J.
Nature Communications, 8, 2017 (article)
Reliability of Single Crystal Silver Nanowire-Based Systems: Stress Assisted Instabilities
Ramachandramoorthy, R., Wang, Y. M., Aghaei, A., Richter, G., Cai, W., Espinosa, H. D.
Acs Nano, 11(5):4768-4776, 2017 (article)
Equilibrium properties of superconducting niobium at high magnetic fields: A possible existence of a filamentary state in type-II superconductors
Kozhevnikov, V., Valente-Feliciano, A. M., Curran, P. J., Suter, A., Liu, A. H., Richter, G., Morenzoni, E., Bending, S. J., Van Haesendonck, C.
Physical Review B, 95(17), 2017 (article)
Thermal stability of Al-Si-12at.% nano-alloys confined between AlN layers in a nanomultilayer configuration
Lipecka, J., Janczak-Rusch, J., Lewandowska, M., Andrzejczuk, M., Richter, G., Jeurgens, L. P. H.
Scripta Materialia, 130, pages: 210-213, 2017 (article)
Fracture behavior of nanostructured heavily cold drawn pearlitic steel wires before and after annealing
Jaya, B. N., Goto, S., Richter, G., Kirchlechner, C., Dehm, G.
Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 707, pages: 164-171, 2017 (article)
Anomalous Tensile Detwinning in Twinned Nanowires
Cheng, G. M., Yin, S., Chang, T. H., Richter, G., Gao, H. J., Zhu, Y.
Physical Review Letters, 19(25), 2017 (article)
Charged Triazole Cross-Linkers for Hyaluronan-Based Hybrid Hydrogels
Martini, M., Hegger, S. P., Schädel, N., Minsky, B. B., Kirchhof, M., Scholl, S., Southan, A., Tovar, G. E. M., Boehm, H., Laschat, S.
Materials, 9, pages: 810, 2016 (article)
KB scanning of X-ray beam for Laue microdiffraction on accelero-phobic samples: application to in situ mechanically loaded nanowires
Leclere, C., Cornelius, T. W., Ren, Z., Robach, O., Micha, J. S., Davydok, A., Ulrich, O., Richter, G., Thomas, O.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23, pages: 1395-1400, 2016 (article)
A flexible method for the preparation of thin film samples for in situ TEM characterization combining shadow-FIB milling and electron beam-assisted etching
Liebig, J. P., Goken, M., Richter, G., Mackovic, M., Przybilla, T., Spiecker, E., Pierron, O. N., Merle, B.
Ultramicroscopy, 171, pages: 82-88, 2016 (article)
Notch insensitive strength and ductility in gold nanowires
Ensslen, C., Brandl, C., Richter, G., Schwaiger, R., Kraft, O.
Acta Materialia, 108, pages: 317-324, 2016 (article)
X-ray nanodiffraction in forward scattering and Bragg geometry of a single isolated Ag-Au nanowire
Fernandez, S., Richard, M. I., Floettoto, D., Richter, G., Mandula, O., Aizarna, M. E., Favre-Nicolin, V., Burghammer, M., Schulli, T., Thomas, O.
Thin Solid Films, 617, pages: 9-13, 2016 (article)
Formation of hollow gold-silver nanoparticles through the surface diffusion induced bulk intermixing
Gazit, N., Klinger, L., Richter, G., Rabkin, E.
Acta Materialia, 117, pages: 188-196, 2016 (article)
Reflection and Phase Matching in Plasmonic Gold Tapers
Guo, S. R., Talebi, N., Sigle, W., Vogelgesang, R., Richter, G., Esmann, M., Becker, S. F., Lienau, C., van Aken, P. A.
Nano Letters, 16(10):6137-6144, 2016 (article)
Comparison of the growth of lithium filaments and dendrites under different conditions
Steiger, J., Richter, G., Wenk, M., Kramer, D., Monig, R.
Electrochemistry Communications, 50, pages: 11-14, 2015 (article)
Recoverable plasticity in penta-twinned metallic nanowires governed by dislocation nucleation and retraction
Qin, Q. Q., Yin, S., Cheng, G. M., Li, X. Y., Chang, T. H., Richter, G., Zhu, Y., Gao, H. J.
Nature Communications, 6, 2015 (article)
Eutectic Nano-Droplet Template Injection into Bulk Silicon to Construct Porous Frameworks with Concomitant Conformal Coating as Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Qu, F., Li, C. L., Wang, Z. M., Wen, Y. R., Richter, G., Strunk, H. P.
Scientific Reports, 5, 2015 (article)
In situ bending of an Au nanowire monitored by micro Laue diffraction
Leclere, C., Cornelius, T. W., Ren, Z., Davydok, A., Micha, J. S., Robach, O., Richter, G., Belliard, L., Thomas, O.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48, pages: 291-296, 2015 (article)
Measuring surface dislocation nucleation in defect-scarce nanostructures
Chen, L. Y., He, M. R., Shin, J., Richter, G., Gianola, D. S.
Nature Materials, 14(7):707-+, 2015 (article)
Large-area fabrication of TiN nanoantenna arrays for refractory plasmonics in the mid-infrared by femtosecond direct laser writing and interference lithography
Bagheri, S., Zgrabik, C. M., Gissibl, T., Tittl, A., Sterl, F., Walter, R., De Zuani, S., Berrier, A., Stauden, T., Richter, G., Hu, E. L., Giessen, H.
Optical Materials Express, 5(11):2625-2633, 2015 (article)
The kinetics of hollowing of Ag-Au core-shell nanowhiskers controlled by short-circuit diffusion
Baylan, S., Richter, G., Beregovsky, M., Amram, D., Rabkin, E.
Acta Materialia, 82, pages: 145-154, 2015 (article)
Synthesis of Pyridine Acrylates and Acrylamides and Their Corresponding Pyridinium Ions as Versatile Cross-Linkers for Tunable Hydrogels
Mateescu, M., Nuss, I., Southan, A., Messenger, H., Wegner, S. V., Kupka, J., Bach, M., Tovar, G. E. M., Boehm, H., Laschat, S.
Synthesis, 46, pages: 1243-1253, 2014 (article)
Surface dislocation nucleation controlled deformation of Au nanowires
Roos, B., Kapelle, B., Richter, G., Volkert, C. A.
Applied Physics Letters, 105(20), 2014 (article)
Reversible cyclic deformation mechanism of gold nanowires by twinning-detwinning transition evidenced from in situ TEM
Lee, S., Im, J., Yoo, Y., Bitzek, E., Kiener, D., Richter, G., Kim, B., Oh, S. H.
Nature Communications, 5, 2014 (article)
Concentration quenching of the luminescence from trivalent thulium, terbium, and erbium ions embedded in an AlN matrix
Benz, F., Gonser, A., Volker, R., Walther, T., Mosebach, J. T., Schwanda, B., Mayer, N., Richter, G., Strunk, H. P.
Journal of Luminescence, 145, pages: 855-858, 2014 (article)
Towards Controlling the Formation, Degradation Behavior and Properties of Hydrogels Synthesized by Aza-Michael Reactions
Southan, A., Hagel, V., Mateescu, M., Bach, M., Schuh, C., Kleinhans, C., Kluger, P. J., Tussetschläger, S., Nuss, I., Haraszti, T., Wegner, S. V., Spatz, J. P., Boehm, H., Laschat, S., Tovar, G. E. M.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 214, pages: 1865-1873, 2013 (article)
Desmosine-Inspired Cross-Linkers for Hyaluronan Hydrogels
Hagel, V., Mateescu, M., Southan, A., Wegner, S. V., Nuss, I., Haraszti, T., Kleinhans, C., Schuh, C., Spatz, J. P., Kluger, P. J., Bach, M., Tussetschläger, S., Tovar, G. E. M., Laschat, S., Boehm, H.
Scientific Reports, 3, pages: 2043, 2013 (article)
Effective polyethylene glycol passivation for the inhibition of surface interactions of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and platelets
Sauter, A., Richter, G., Micoulet, A., Martinez, A., Spatz, J. P., Appel, S.
Biointerphases, 8, 2013 (article)
Finite-size effects in the nuclear magnetic resonance of epitaxial palladium thin films
MacFarlane, W. A., Parolin, T. J., Larkin, T. I., Richter, G., Chow, K. H., Hossain, M. D., Kiefl, R. F., Levy, C. D. P., Morris, G. D., Ofer, O., Pearson, M. R., Saadaoui, H., Song, Q., Wang, D.
Physical Review B, 88(14), 2013 (article)
Self-organized and self-catalyst growth of semiconductor and metal wires by vapour phase epitaxy: GaN rods versus Cu whiskers
Eymery, J., Chen, X. J., Durand, C., Kolb, M., Richter, G.
Comptes Rendus Physique, 14(2-3):221-227, 2013 (article)
In situ coherent X-ray diffraction of isolated core-shell nanowires
Haag, S. T., Richard, M. I., Favre-Nicolin, V., Welzel, U., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Ravy, S., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, E. J., Thomas, O.
Thin Solid Films, 530, pages: 113-119, 2013 (article)
Concentration and Strain Fields inside a Ag/Au Core-Shell Nanowire Studied by Coherent X-ray Diffraction
Haag, S. T., Richard, M. I., Welzel, U., Favre-Nicolin, V., Balmes, O., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, E. J., Thomas, O.
Nano Letters, 13(5):1883-1889, 2013 (article)
Cross-Sectional Characterization of Electrodeposited, Monocrystalline Au Nanowires in Parallel Arrangement
Schneckenburger, M., Kelsch, M., van Aken, P. A., Richter, G., Spatz, J. P., Rustom, A.
Small, 8(22):3396-3399, 2012 (article)
Cyclic Cantilever Bending of Copper Nanowhiskers
Schopf, C., Schamel, M., Strunk, H. P., Richter, G.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 14(11):975-980, 2012 (article)
Existence of two twinning-mediated plastic deformation modes in Au nanowhiskers
Sedlmayr, A., Bitzek, E., Gianola, D. S., Richter, G., Monig, R., Kraft, O.
Acta Materialia, 60(9):3985-3993, 2012 (article)
Lattice Anharmonicity in Defect-Free Pd Nanowhiskers
Chen, L. Y., Richter, G., Sullivan, J. P., Gianola, D. S.
Physical Review Letters, 109(12), 2012 (article)
The filamentary growth of metals
Schamel, M., Schopf, C., Linsler, D., Haag, S. T., Hofacker, L., Kappel, C., Strunk, H. P., Richter, G.
International Journal of Materials Research, 102(7):828-836, 2011 (article)
The role of Si impurities in the transient dopant segregation and precipitation in yttrium-doped alumina
Sturm, S., Gulgun, M. A., Richter, G., Morales, F. M., Cannon, R. M., Ruhle, M.
International Journal of Materials Research, 101(1):95-101, 2010 (article)
Fabrication of freestanding gold nanotubes
Richter, G.
Scripta Materialia, 63(9):933-936, 2010 (article)
Low-Temperature Growth of Silicon Nanotubes and Nanowires on Amorphous Substrates
Mbenkum, B. N., Schneider, A. S., Schutz, G., Xu, C., Richter, G., van Aken, P. A., Majer, G., Spatz, J. P.
Acs Nano, 4(4):1805-1812, 2010 (article)
The amorphous to crystalline transition of ultrathin (Al,Mg)-oxide films grown by thermal oxidation of AlMg alloys: A high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigation
Panda, E., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, E. J.
Journal of Materials Research, 25(5):871-879, 2010 (article)
Growth Of Single Crystalline Copper Nanowhiskers
Kolb, M., Richter, G.
Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization, 1300, pages: 98-+, 2010 (article)
Investigation of the Bulge Test Response of Molybdenum Thin Films at Room Temperature and at 100 degrees C
Walter, M. E., Schneider, A. S., Wubben, T., Richter, G., Arzt, E.
Strain, 45(3):238-248, 2009 (article)
Ultrahigh Strength Single Crystalline Nanowhiskers Grown by Physical Vapor Deposition
Richter, G., Hillerich, K., Gianola, D. S., Monig, R., Kraft, O., Volkert, C. A.
Nano Letters, 9(8):3048-3052, 2009 (article)
High-resolution TEM investigation of structure and composition of polar Pd/ZnO interfaces
Saito, M., Wagner, T., Richter, G., Ruhle, M.
Physical Review B, 80(13), 2009 (article)
Structure and possible origins of stacking faults in gamma-yttrium disilicate
MacLaren, I., Richter, G.
Philosophical Magazine, 89(2):169-181, 2009 (article)
Titanium-silicon oxide film structures for polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
Dunlop, I. E., Zorn, S., Richter, G., Srot, V., Kelsch, M., van Aken, P. A., Skoda, M., Gerlach, A., Spatz, J. P., Schreiber, F.
Thin Solid Films, 517(6):2048-2054, 2009 (article)
Amorphous versus crystalline state for ultrathin Al(2)O(3) overgrowths on Al substrates
Reichel, F., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, J.
Journal of Applied Physics, 103(9), 2008 (article)
On the development of long-range order in ultra-thin amorphous Al2O3 films upon their transformation into crystalline y-Al2O3
Jeurgens, L. P. H., Reichel, F., Frank, S., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, E. J.
Surface and Interface Analysis, 40(3-4):259-263, 2008 (article)
The origin of high-mismatch orientation relationships for ultra-thin oxide overgrowths
Reichel, F., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Richter, G., van Aken, P. A., Mittemeijer, E. J.
Acta Materialia, 55(17):6027-6037, 2007 (article)
Bridging grain boundary volume to segregation at symmetric grain boundaries
Moon, J., Richter, G., Sigle, W., Ruhle, M.
Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 448(1-2):299-302, 2007 (article)
Microstructural characteristics of TZP/Ni cermets plastically deformed at high temperature
Morales-Rodriguez, A., Richter, G., Ruhle, M., Bravo-Leon, A., Dominguez-Rodriguez, A., Jimenez-Melendo, M.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27(4):2053-2059, 2007 (article)
First observation of a hexagonal close packed metastable intermetallic phase between Cu and Al bilayer films
Cha, L., Scheu, C., Richter, G., Wagner, T., Sturm, S., Ruhle, M.
International Journal of Materials Research, 98(8):692-699, 2007 (article)
Insight into the atomic-scale mechanism of liquid metal embrittlement
Sigle, W., Richter, G., Ruhle, M., Schmidt, S.
Applied Physics Letters, 89(12), 2006 (article)
Influence of oxidation on the high-temperature mechanical properties of zirconia/nickel cermets
Morales-Rodriguez, A., Bravo-Leon, A., Richter, G., Ruhle, M., Dominguez-Rodriguez, A., Jimenez-Melendo, M.
Scripta Materialia, 54(12):2087-2090, 2006 (article)
Nucleation and growth of Pd clusters on (001) SrTiO3: Determination of diffusion and adsorption energies from cluster densities
Richter, G., Wagner, T.
Journal of Applied Physics, 98(9), 2005 (article)
Proceedings of the EuroConference on "Interfaces in Nanostructured Materials" - Kloster Irsee, June 6-11, 2004
Richter, G., Wagner, T., Ruhle, M.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 96(5):412-412, 2005 (article)
Quantitative HRTEM investigations of a symmetrical tilt Sigma 11 grain boundary with two different grain boundary planes in alpha-Al2O3
Richter, G., Ruhle, M.
Interface Science, 12(2-3):197-211, 2004 (article)
Theoretical model of hardening in zirconia-nickel nanoparticle composites
Pecharroman, C., Esteban-Betegon, F., Bartolome, J. F., Richter, G., Moya, J. S.
Nano Letters, 4(4):747-751, 2004 (article)
Advances in EELS spectroscopy by using new detector and new specimen preparation technologies
Scheu, C., Gao, M., Van Benthem, K., Tsukimoto, S., Schmidt, S., Sigle, W., Richter, G., Thomas, J.
Journal of Microscopy-Oxford, 210, pages: 16-24, 2003 (article)
Progress in the preparation of cross-sectional TEM specimens by ion-beam thinning
Strecker, A., Bader, U., Kelsch, M., Salzberger, U., Sycha, M., Gao, M., Richter, G., van Benthem, K.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 94(3):290-297, 2003 (article)
Reversible formation and decomposition of LiF clusters using transition metal fluorides as precursors and their application in rechargeable Li batteries
Li, H., Richter, G., Maier, J.
Advanced Materials, 15(9):736-739, 2003 (article)
Epitaxial growth of metals on (100) SrTiO3: The influence of lattice mismatch and reactivity
Wagner, T., Polli, A. D., Richter, G., Stanzick, H.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 92(7):701-706, 2001 (article)
Epitaxy of Pd thin films on (100) SrTiO3: A three-step growth process
Wagner, T., Richter, G., Ruhle, M.
Journal of Applied Physics, 89(5):2606-2612, 2001 (article)
Influence of Na and H2O on the surface properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se, thin films
Heske, C., Richter, G., Chen, Z. H., Fink, R., Umbach, E., Riedl, W., Karg, F.
Journal of Applied Physics, 82(5):2411-2420, 1997 (article)
Influence of humidity on polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films for solar cells: A study of Na and H2O coadsorption
Heske, C., Richter, G., Chen, Z. H., Fink, R., Umbach, E., Riedl, W., Karg, F.
Conference Record of the Twenty Fifth Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 1996, pages: 861-864, 1996 (article)