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Engineering and Evaluating Naturalistic Vibrotactile Feedback for Telerobotic Assembly


Ph.D. Thesis


Teleoperation allows workers on a construction site to assemble pre-fabricated building components by controlling powerful machines from a safe distance. However, teleoperation's primary reliance on visual feedback limits the operator's efficiency in situations with stiff contact or poor visibility, compromising their situational awareness and thus increasing the difficulty of the task; it also makes construction machines more difficult to learn to operate. To bridge this gap, we propose that reliable, economical, and easy-to-implement naturalistic vibrotactile feedback could improve telerobotic control interfaces in construction and other application areas such as surgery. This type of feedback enables the operator to feel the natural vibrations experienced by the robot, which contain crucial information about its motions and its physical interactions with the environment. This dissertation explores how to deliver naturalistic vibrotactile feedback from a robot's end-effector to the hand of an operator performing telerobotic assembly tasks; furthermore, it seeks to understand the effects of such haptic cues. The presented research can be divided into four parts. We first describe the engineering of AiroTouch, a naturalistic vibrotactile feedback system tailored for use on construction sites but suitable for many other applications of telerobotics. Then we evaluate AiroTouch and explore the effects of the naturalistic vibrotactile feedback it delivers in three user studies conducted either in laboratory settings or on a construction site. We begin this dissertation by developing guidelines for creating a haptic feedback system that provides high-quality naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. These guidelines include three sections: component selection, component placement, and system evaluation. We detail each aspect with the parameters that need to be considered. Based on these guidelines, we adapt widely available commercial audio equipment to create our system called AiroTouch, which measures the vibration experienced by each robot tool with a high-bandwidth three-axis accelerometer and enables the user to feel this vibration in real time through a voice-coil actuator. Accurate haptic transmission is achieved by optimizing the positions of the system's off-the-shelf sensors and actuators and is then verified through measurements. The second part of this thesis presents our initial validation of AiroTouch. We explored how adding this naturalistic type of vibrotactile feedback affects the operator during small-scale telerobotic assembly. Due to the limited accessibility of teleoperated robots and to maintain safety, we conducted a user study in lab with a commercial bimanual dexterous teleoperation system developed for surgery (Intuitive da Vinci Si). Thirty participants used this robot equipped with AiroTouch to assemble a small stiff structure under three randomly ordered haptic feedback conditions: no vibrations, one-axis vibrations, and summed three-axis vibrations. The results show that participants learn to take advantage of both tested versions of the haptic feedback in the given tasks, as significantly lower vibrations and forces are observed in the second trial. Subjective responses indicate that naturalistic vibrotactile feedback increases the realism of the interaction and reduces the perceived task duration, task difficulty, and fatigue. To test our approach on a real construction site, we enhanced AiroTouch using wireless signal-transmission technologies and waterproofing, and then we adapted it to a mini-crane construction robot. A study was conducted to evaluate how naturalistic vibrotactile feedback affects an observer's understanding of telerobotic assembly performed by this robot on a construction site. Seven adults without construction experience observed a mix of manual and autonomous assembly processes both with and without naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. Qualitative analysis of their survey responses and interviews indicates that all participants had positive responses to this technology and believed it would be beneficial for construction activities. Finally, we evaluated the effects of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback provided by wireless AiroTouch during live teleoperation of the mini-crane. Twenty-eight participants remotely controlled the mini-crane to complete three large-scale assembly-related tasks in lab, both with and without this type of haptic feedback. Our results show that naturalistic vibrotactile feedback enhances the participants' awareness of both robot motion and contact between the robot and other objects, particularly in scenarios with limited visibility. These effects increase participants' confidence when controlling the robot. Moreover, there is a noticeable trend of reduced vibration magnitude in the conditions where this type of haptic feedback is provided. The primary contribution of this dissertation is the clear explanation of details that are essential for the effective implementation of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback. We demonstrate that our accessible, audio-based approach can enhance user performance and experience during telerobotic assembly in construction and other application domains. These findings lay the foundation for further exploration of the potential benefits of incorporating haptic cues to enhance user experience during teleoperation.

Author(s): Yijie Gong
Year: 2024
Month: August

Department(s): Haptische Intelligenz
Research Project(s): Arm-Motion-Based Telerobotic Construction with Vibrotactile Feedback
Bibtex Type: Ph.D. Thesis (phdthesis)
Paper Type: Thesis

Address: Stuttgart, Germany
School: University of Stuttgart

Degree Type: PhD
Note: Faculty of Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering


  title = {Engineering and Evaluating Naturalistic Vibrotactile Feedback for Telerobotic Assembly},
  author = {Gong, Yijie},
  school = {University of Stuttgart},
  address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  month = aug,
  year = {2024},
  note = {Faculty of Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {8}