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Building Instructions You Can Feel: Edge-Changing Haptic Devices for Digitally Guided Construction




Recent efforts to connect builders to digital designs during construction have primarily focused on visual augmented reality, which requires accurate registration and specific lighting, and which could prevent a user from noticing safety hazards. Haptic interfaces, on the other hand, can convey physical design parameters through tangible local cues that don't distract from the surroundings. We propose two edge-changing haptic devices that use small inertial measurement units (IMUs) and linear actuators to guide users to perform construction tasks in real time: Drangle gives feedback for angling a drill relative to gravity, and Brangle assists with orienting bricks in the plane. We conducted a study with 18 participants to evaluate user performance and gather qualitative feedback. All users understood the edge-changing cues from both devices with minimal training. Drilling holes with Drangle was somewhat less accurate but much faster and easier than with a mechanical guide; 89% of participants preferred Drangle over the mechanical guide. Users generally understood Brangle's feedback but found its hand-size-specific grip, palmar contact, and attractive tactile cues less intuitive than Drangle's generalized form factor, fingertip contact, and repulsive cues. After summarizing design considerations, we propose application scenarios and speculate how such devices could improve construction workflows.

Author(s): Naomi Tashiro and Robert Faulkner and Samantha Melnyk and Tamara Rosales Rodriguez and Bernard Javot and Yasaman Tahouni and Tiffany Cheng and Dylan Wood and Achim Menges and Katherine J. Kuchenbecker
Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
Year: 2024
Month: September

Department(s): Haptische Intelligenz
Bibtex Type: Article (article)
Paper Type: Journal

State: Accepted


  title = {Building Instructions You Can Feel: Edge-Changing Haptic Devices for Digitally Guided Construction},
  author = {Tashiro, Naomi and Faulkner, Robert and Melnyk, Samantha and Rodriguez, Tamara Rosales and Javot, Bernard and Tahouni, Yasaman and Cheng, Tiffany and Wood, Dylan and Menges, Achim and Kuchenbecker, Katherine J.},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction},
  month = sep,
  year = {2024},
  doi = {},
  month_numeric = {9}