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EarthRanger: An Open-Source Platform for Ecosystem Monitoring, Research, and Management




Author(s): Jake Wall and Jes Lefcourt and Chris Jones and Chris Doehring and Dan O’Neill and Dennis Schneider and Jordan Steward and Joshua Krautwurst and Tiffany Wong and Bruce Jones and Karen Goodfellow and Ted Schmitt and Kathleen Gobush and Iain Douglas-Hamilton and Frank Pope and Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Palmer and Emma Stokes and Andrea Reid and Mark L. Elbroch and Peter Kulits and Catherine Villeneuve and Victor Matsanza and Geoff Clinning and Jordi van Oort and Kristen Denninger-Snyder and Alina Peter Daati and Wesley Gold and Stephen Cunliffe and Batian Craig and Barry Cork and Grant Burden and Marc Goss and Nathan Hahn and Sarah Carroll and Eric Gitonga and Ray Rao and Jared Stabach and Frederic Dulude-de Broin and Patrick Omondi and George Wittemyer
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume: 13
Year: 2024
Month: September
Publisher: British Ecological Society

Department(s): Perzeptive Systeme
Bibtex Type: Article (article)
Paper Type: Journal

DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14399


  title = {EarthRanger: An Open-Source Platform for Ecosystem Monitoring, Research, and Management},
  author = {Wall, Jake and Lefcourt, Jes and Jones, Chris and Doehring, Chris and O'Neill, Dan and Schneider, Dennis and Steward, Jordan and Krautwurst, Joshua and Wong, Tiffany and Jones, Bruce and Goodfellow, Karen and Schmitt, Ted and Gobush, Kathleen and Douglas-Hamilton, Iain and Pope, Frank and Schmidt, Eric and Palmer, Jonathan and Stokes, Emma and Reid, Andrea and Elbroch, Mark L. and Kulits, Peter and Villeneuve, Catherine and Matsanza, Victor and Clinning, Geoff and van Oort, Jordi and Denninger-Snyder, Kristen and Daati, Alina Peter and Gold, Wesley and Cunliffe, Stephen and Craig, Batian and Cork, Barry and Burden, Grant and Goss, Marc and Hahn, Nathan and Carroll, Sarah and Gitonga, Eric and Rao, Ray and Stabach, Jared and Broin, Frederic Dulude-de and Omondi, Patrick and Wittemyer, George},
  journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution},
  volume = {13},
  publisher = {British Ecological Society},
  month = sep,
  year = {2024},
  doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.14399},
  month_numeric = {9}