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Multi-Timescale Representation Learning of Human and Robot Haptic Interactions


Ph.D. Thesis


The sense of touch is one of the most crucial components of the human sensory system. It allows us to safely and intelligently interact with the physical objects and environment around us. By simply touching or dexterously manipulating an object, we can quickly infer a multitude of its properties. For more than fifty years, researchers have studied how humans physically explore and form perceptual representations of objects. Some of these works proposed the paradigm through which human haptic exploration is presently understood: humans use a particular set of exploratory procedures to elicit specific semantic attributes from objects. Others have sought to understand how physically measured object properties correspond to human perception of semantic attributes. Few, however, have investigated how specific explorations are perceived. As robots become increasingly advanced and more ubiquitous in daily life, they are beginning to be equipped with haptic sensing capabilities and algorithms for processing and structuring haptic information. Traditional haptics research has so far strongly influenced the introduction of haptic sensation and perception into robots but has not proven sufficient to give robots the necessary tools to become intelligent autonomous agents. The work presented in this thesis seeks to understand how single and sequential haptic interactions are perceived by both humans and robots. In our first study, we depart from the more traditional methods of studying human haptic perception and investigate how the physical sensations felt during single explorations are perceived by individual people. We treat interactions as probability distributions over a haptic feature space and train a model to predict how similarly a pair of surfaces is rated, predicting perceived similarity with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Our novel method also allows us to evaluate how individual people weigh different surface properties when they make perceptual judgments. The method is highly versatile and presents many opportunities for further studies into how humans form perceptual representations of specific explorations. Our next body of work explores how to improve robotic haptic perception of single interactions. We use unsupervised feature-learning methods to derive powerful features from raw robot sensor data and classify robot explorations into numerous haptic semantic property labels that were assigned from human ratings. Additionally, we provide robots with more nuanced perception by learning to predict graded ratings of a subset of properties. Our methods outperform previous attempts that all used hand-crafted features, demonstrating the limitations of such traditional approaches. To push robot haptic perception beyond evaluation of single explorations, our final work introduces and evaluates a method to give robots the ability to accumulate information over many sequential actions; our approach essentially takes advantage of object permanence by conditionally and recursively updating the representation of an object as it is sequentially explored. We implement our method on a robotic gripper platform that performs multiple exploratory procedures on each of many objects. As the robot explores objects with new procedures, it gains confidence in its internal representations and classification of object properties, thus moving closer to the marvelous haptic capabilities of humans and providing a solid foundation for future research in this domain.

Author(s): Ben Richardson
Year: 2022
Month: December

Department(s): Haptische Intelligenz
Research Project(s): Surface Interactions as Probability Distributions in Embedding Spaces
Bibtex Type: Ph.D. Thesis (phdthesis)
Paper Type: Thesis

Address: Stuttgart, Germany
School: University of Stuttgart

Degree Type: PhD
Note: Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
URL: https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/13027/1/Diss_Richardson.pdf


  title = {Multi-Timescale Representation Learning of Human and Robot Haptic Interactions},
  author = {Richardson, Ben},
  school = {University of Stuttgart},
  address = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  month = dec,
  year = {2022},
  note = {Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology},
  doi = {},
  url = {https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/13027/1/Diss_Richardson.pdf},
  month_numeric = {12}